Suzanne Hunt

Suzanne Hunt

Suzanne Hunt is all about the energy transition.

The Founder of Washington, DC-based Hunt Green LLC, she pro­vides strate­gic advis­ing on transportation, energy, agriculture and the environment, and serves as Senior Advi­sor to the Car­bon War Room where she leads their work on avi­a­tion and renew­able fuels. Suzanne has designed an alter­na­tive avi­a­tion fuels competition for XPRIZE, and her for­mer clients include pri­vate equity firms, UN bod­ies, gov­ern­ment agen­cies, clean tech start-ups, For­tune 500 com­pa­nies, NGOs and other innovators.

Suzanne currently sits on the advi­sory boards of Business for the Planet, the Latin Amer­ican Coun­cil on Renew­able Energy, and the Regional Bio­fu­els Tech­ni­cal & Knowl­edge Cen­ter (CHIBAS) in Haiti. She’s also a member of Air New Zealand’s Sustainability Advisory Board and is an Associate at the International Institute for Sustainability Analysis and Strategy(IINAS) in Germany.

From 2005-07 Suzanne directed the World­watch Institute’s bioen­ergy pro­gram, where she orches­trated the land­mark research ini­tia­tive and result­ing book, Bio­fu­els for Trans­porta­tion: Global Poten­tial and Impli­ca­tions for Energy and Agri­cul­ture. She also drove (with a film crew) a biofuel-powered 1981 Volkswagon across the U.S. and Central America in a charity road rally, visiting sustainable biofuel producers along the way. In 2011, she competed in a zero emission road rally in Norway in a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle.

A found­ing advi­sor to the annual Art Cen­ter Sus­tain­able Mobil­ity Sum­mit and the Cli­mate Lab, Suzanne holds a BS in Envi­ron­men­tal Sci­ence from Penn State and mas­ter’s degrees in Inter­na­tional Affairs and Nat­ural Resource Man­age­ment from Amer­i­can Uni­ver­sity and the UN’s Uni­ver­sity for Peace in Costa Rica. In her spare time she’s engaged with the imple­men­ta­tion of sus­tain­abil­ity prac­tices at her family’s seventh gen­er­a­tion upstate New York farm and win­ery, Hunt Country Vineyards, is also a singer/songwriter, and is a Co-Founder of The Unity Concert.


Past Presentations

2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008